Healing Arts & Design

Energy Work & Activations


Artistic Creative Spirit

Wholistic Lifestyle Coaching

Art as Healing

There is something special about the creation process. To let go and allow yourself to create something out of nothing, taps you into the beautiful mystery of the Creative Spirit.

My artistic career was birthed out of a need to heal and cope with human circumstances. If I could not travel, I would paint. If I felt confused or worried, I would paint. If I felt anxious I would paint. Painting became my teacher, my medicine, and my muse.

View Works of Art By Jade >>




Rise of the Butterfly

RISE, co-founded by acclaimed visual artist, Layla Love, pairs art with activism to raise awareness and funding for survivors of human trafficking around the globe. RISE recently launched a sustainable clothing line, as wearable art that will provide direct funding to survivors while amplifying the anti-human trafficking campaign. All clothing is ethically produced using the most sustainable materials possible.

Visit: www.RiseofTheButterfly.com to learn more.

|| Use Code JADE10 to recieved 10% off any purchases in the shop.

Kauai Sustainability Project

My Vision of Kauai is to be 100% Sustainable by 2025. As a remote island it is essential to adopt sustainability practices and to live more green. I’ve been to places like Portland, Seattle, and Austin that do a better job about eco-friendly initiatives than Hawaii does. Honoring the ‘Aina, the land, is a part of Hawaiian culture. It is absolutely essential to revive these values truly make an effort to  prioritize eco-conscious practices.


If you are a business owner / entrepreneur wanting to become more eco-friendly and pono to our environment, please contact me for Green Business Solutions.

Waking Existence : Podcast Radio

This podcast is intended to support those of us that have awakened or are awakening to the state of our current reality here on Earth. We are here to help you navigate through this transformational time, towards a more harmonic, (w)holistic, sustainable, regenerative reality that will benfit all of humanity. WE will be interviewing visionaries, change makers and innovators that can shine light on the pathways and tools available to us for a better brighter future ahead. Visit: WakingExistence.com to support the movement!

Activate. Transform. Inspire

Interested in Collaborating for Change?

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